So I lift my eyes to You, Lord
In your strength will I break through, Lord
Touch me now, let Your love fall down on me
I know Your love dispels all my fear
Through the storm I will hold on, Lord
And by faith, I will walk on, Lord
Then I'll see beyond my Calvary one day
And I will be complete in YouLovely lyrics, I love this song! : )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.7 boards by tomorrow! SEVEN!
This is what art did:

7 boards, holy shit!
I'm off!
Thanks, but if only I could make it this obvious to you

Happy 16th dearest cousin! : )
Oh yes, and I received this really CUTE and ADORABLE present from some idiot today! It's super cuttteeeeee la my goodness I love it! I'll have a picture of it posted soon. Thanks IDIOT! : )
Alright, your lucky! Blogger didn't go havoc! And see I blogged bout you already, happy? Haha. Okay la, shayna rocks. eeeeeeeyyeerrrr! Hahahaa, I shall stop sprouting nonsense and continue with my art. Hopefully, blogger doesnt reject me the next time I try to use it! Hohoho.
I'm nice enough to blog about you, you better be happy! Haha.
Back home so very early at eleven, today.
Two papers down - Both languages, Eng + Chinese, seven more to go! So lets see, Chinese Prelims was hell difficult! But I guessed it had to be that way. Afterall, it was the prelims and it's supposed to have help prepare us for the upcoming Chinese O level paper next month.
Now; English, it was more or less alright. At least I understood the passage! It was not those long, boring passages we used to have in the past in which we would have no clue what it would be talking about and all. This time, the passage was about blogging! So I guess it was pretty much easier for us to understand, as most of us would know what blogging is all about. Rather disappointed I couldnt finish my summary on time though, that proves how much I have to STOP spending so much time writting neatly. I've decided! For the next few exams, heck the messy handwriting!, just make sure it's readable. I've to get rid of this bad habit or else I'll never be able to finish my papers on time even though I may know the answers! That'd be such a pity, blah.
Also! I dont see why the school is suddenly so strict over exams. I mean yes, it is important to be strict when it comes to exams, but not to the point that we HAVE to use ziploc bags to hold our pens, pencils, and whatever necessary stationaries thats required. Pencil boxes ARENT allowed into the examination hall, regardless whether its big or small, transparent or not. Can you imagine, a whole hall of ziploc bags as pencil cases, haha trust me its crazy!
Alright, ART is driving me nuts. Seriously, I'd do anything just to trade her for Mrs Zailee, I need Mrs Zailee so badly I tell you. All she knows how to do is be hell sacarstic, and nag and shout at us, telling us we're behind time blablablah. It's just the same thing over and over again, its seriously annoying and pissing the shit out of me! And I suppose Mel and I will only get back that CD we passed her like next year after our exam! The excuses she gives, rah forget it. Don't wish to elaborate. All I know is, 7 boards by Friday! SEVEN! It's gonna be a couple of sleepless nights this two/three days : ( I want my A!
The weekends finally here.
It's been an exhausting week.
Tests after tests, after tests.
Happenings of this week:Bio Mock Exam (sec three and four topics), Physics Practical Test, Chinese Prelims Listening Comprehension, SS Test, English Prelims Orals (with Ms Yip as the examiner), Chow's 15th birthday, Raphael's 17th (Happy Birthday to the both of you'll once again :D )
Also, the
NATball finals

We all love NATball don't we? Haha, well done Nat! : ) So proud of you. Congratulations to the rest of the netballers as well.
Happenings next week, starting from Monday:Exams begin, with Chinese Prelims as the first paper.
It's gonna be hours of chinese tuition tmr.
Did I mention, exams are gonna be held in
the hall with the entire sec four/five
level, how stressful!
Oh well! I've had enough of fun!
I'm usually a fighter when it comes to these,
but this time I've seriously given up.I still miss
you, somehow.
Work and school, calling.
Deadlines, flashing screaming redlights.
Subjects cumulating, impatiently waiting for my attention.
There are other more important, pressing
and urgent things I need to attend to.
I am not willing to throw my life away, NO not this time
GOODBYEI feel like I've lost everything when you're gone. Left remembering what its like to have you here with me. I thought you should know, your not making this easy.Don't care so much for me, I may not get used to it
Don't come near me, I may not be able to part from it
Don't put so much faith in it, I may not be able to handle it
Don't let me fall for you, I may not be able to fall out of it
Don't give me hope, that is forever gonna stay cos love is an emotion I wouldn't be able to hide
Don't start something that I won't be able to end
Don't make me believe you can be more than just a friend, cos at the end of it all, I dont want to hear you say,
I'm sorry but I never felt that way.
All those precious moments with you by my side
Must have been a gift from heaven that was holding me tight
I don't know you anymore, I wish I knew what was wrong.
Can't we try to slam that door, and start a brand new song?
It is true we dont know what we've got until we lose it,
but it's also time that we don't know what we've been missing only til it arrives.
Don't go for looks, they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth, even that fades away.
But rather, go for someone who can make you smile.
When the door of happiness closes, another door opens.
But often at times, we look so long at the closed door,
that we don't see the one which has ALWAYS been opened for us.
I've found it,
I've found
you : )
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!Christ the Lord is risen today. Christians haste your vows to pay, offer ye your praises meet, at the Paschal Victim's feet. For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, sinless in the sinner's stead. Christ, the Lord is risen on high, Now he lives no more to die!
Firstly, here's a
Bbq over at Tat's earlier with Van, Peiyee, Amanda, Eliz, Cherine, Melissa, Sherry and Debbie was good! Glad I got to meet them, and catch things up! Talked bout so many things, & yes they seriously got me all stressed for O's! Oh, and I finally got to see Tat's mom, missed her!
Okay I'm thinking of closing my blog down,
there's nothing else to say.
Oh well, I'll see how.
Alright I'm off, but before I leave:
Could we talk?I'm rarely at a loss for words. As far as I'm concerned, talking is a natural biological function, like breathing - I do it all the time. Yet you can hold your breath for hours even days at a time. The silence is defeaning. "Is something bothering you?" I ask, even though I realize that trying to pull the words from your mouth is as pointless as trying to make a telephone call when the line is dead.
Some IDIOT just sent me some photos, and
I burst out laughing like anything!
Haha, trust me its hilarious!
Changi Airport earlier with Van, Jayne, Peiyee, Amanda, and Sherry to send Nana off to New Zealand. :( At the same time, Shayna came back from Thailand, so we got to see her.
Somebody's all into Somjed, oh dear me!
But its all goooood, I guess ; )
Hahahaha, NIGHT
2.4 tmr!
Currently, top for all events:
Shayna Ng : )Can you beat that?
Singapore's doing well, very well!
And yes I totally screamed when you msged me the good news idiot! Congrats, I'm extremely proud and happy for you! : ) Keep it up and bowl well for the MASTERS!
And yes, in a few hours time, its going to be:
Happy one year, three months Mel! and
Happy 16th Birthday Nat Long!
The most important ingredient we put into any relationship, is not what we say or what we do,
but what we are.
Meaningful relationships are not like the mold accumulating on the fontina in your fridge. They require conscious effort. Each relationship is like a bank account. The quality of the relationship depends upon what you put into it. Keeping promises, being courteous and kind, offering support, listening and taking time for the other person are just a few ways to make deposits. Of course there are certain things that will make withdrawals, and you'll want to minimize those. Keep your Emotional Bank Accounts growing, and you'll see the dividends in deeper, more meaningful relationships.
Would you please look at what I've found:

And so I stand here, A smile on my face, I know we belong here, This is our place. So when people ask why I do this all day, I say because I love it, I'm here to stay. What keeps us going runs through our every vein, Its our undying love for this perfect game.

Be not afraid, God's with you. He will strengthen you and help you. He will hold you with his right hand of justice.

Remember a time when you were truly happy, It was this.

Good friends come and go, but only the best friends stick around forever. Its been 7 years of friendship : )

I keep praying, hoping I get to see you soon. I miss you, I wish you knew.

No matter what, you're contantly kept in my prayers.
Friendships may have been lost, and we may be no longer keeping in contact. However, I would like to know how each and every single one of you have been doing. Lets meet up soon, please.
All the best for tmr's competition : ) BOWL WELL!
You've been awesome, I dont know what I'd do w/o you, seriously.
Plus MY FAMILY (Dad, Mom, Sisters)

Without good communication, a relationship is merely a hollow vessel carrying you along on a frustrating journey fraught with perils of confusion, projection and misunderstanding.
I love you'll.
There you go, these were just some of the meaningful relationships I treasure in my life.
You most probably don't know this, but I hate being compared, I hate competing. I hate the way we've been competing almost in every single subject. I hate the way you always compare tests marks when we receive them back, I hate the way you look at me when I beat you or you beat me in a certain subject. I hate it, I simply just hate it.
It's not just art and maths, but EVERYTHING! Please stop it already, I'm feeling so fucking stressed. Another weeks gone, exams are drawing closer, and like you, I really want to do well too.
But seriously, enough of this! Due to this, I've been piling myself with work work work and more work, and if this continues, I know I'm gonna break sooner or later.
Alright, I'm done charging my nano, goodbye.
But before I go, here's a little something for some idiot:

IDIOT! Hurry come back please, I'm missing you already. Theres so much to say! Do take care of yourself and BOWL WELL! : ) See you on the 14th when you're back from Thailand! HAVE A GOOD TRIP!
24/4 - Chinese Prelims
25/4 - English Paper 2
3/5 - SS & EMaths
4/5 - Geography
5/5 - Biology
8/5 - Accounts
9/5 - Physics
11/5 - Art
* 28/4 - O level coursework submission for Mid Years, 5 A2 Boards(Prep Work) + 10% of Actual final piece
OMG, I have no idea why, but lately I've been fucking
stressed! All I think of is either STUDYING or DOING WELL!
Anything other than that, I seriously cannot be bothered.
This is what I'm aiming to achieve:
Art - A1
EMaths - A1
Accounts - A1
English - B3
Sciences - B3
Chinese - B4
SS/Geog - B4
Nothings impossible, I CAN DO IT! I CAN!
For now:
Goodbye friendster,
Goodbye blog,
Goodbye msn, etc.
I'll be back, after the exams.
I was just looking back at my previous entries.
Came across this (an entry I made a month ago):
" It suddenly strucked me how we've stepped
into the third month of the year already.
Honestly, I cannot say how true it is
that time is flying by so quickly.
I guess this year's all about pushing myself."And yes, in a blink and we're into the fourth month,
which reminds me chinese prelims are in 22 days time.
I'm stepping closer and closer to O's every hour, minute,
second, day, month etc. I'm scared, I'm freaking out,
I'm starting to stress real bad.
I'm dying to do well! I need to, and I want to!
It's killing me, cos I still have so much to catch up on.
Time, please pass by slowly.
I'm finally done with the geog project!
Natlong, you better be grateful! I did your part of the project for you! Enough said, NEW pictures up on the
I'm off for church now, bye!
It's four in the morning, and
I've to admit I'M VERY AWAKE!
Lesson learnt: Wake up early
Thank God for Shayna's call(s),
or else I'd have been still been
sleeping away, oh what a pig!
Oh, she finally got her FOSSIL WATCH!
Hope you're happy with it IDIOT, which
you obviously are! Haha. It took her rather
long to get one though, from Heeren to Pac,
Pac to Heeren, I shant elaborate! Hahahha
Oh! Mel and Sam had nothing better to do, I'm serious.
I hope you'll didnt fall for their prank, like silly me!
Alright that reminds me, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! : )
Dinner at Cartel with Shayna, Eliz, Beanie and Date.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, met Van Tng!
Missed that one like anything, wished we could
talk though but nah, she was working. :(
Beanie was being a retard though. Haha,
she still can't get over the MOLE, goodness!
Alright, I've been spending the last few hours, drawing away.
Ms Ho had better be happy, lets see what she has to say this
time round. Speaking of which, that reminds me, I've to stay
back after sch everyday to do my art with her :| Oh what joy!
But, on the other hand, its all good! At least I'm finally
starting on my coursework! I want my A1! AHHHHHHH!
Some idiot's nicely sleeping away when she's supposed to have
stayed up with me, while I do my art, but nvm, I'm thoughtful : ) Hahaha, alright she's gonna slap me when she sees this! Okay actually she did la, for awhile. But I was being her stupid personal DJ, Haha long story! Shant go into details.
Hahaha, as you can see I'm blogging nonsense,
I'd better get going, start on my geog project NOW before Jamie kills me :|

DATE, please cheer up.